Now that my fuel tank is loaded up , lets see where was i
ahh yes, the issue bout love,
lets continue, lets look at certain animals
(those that wanna argue humans and animals are two totally seperate categories ... as far as im concern, your (we) are just monkeys in my eyes.)
ps:dun start the creation mambo here either =.=
looking at animals, we could see that animals who stick which each other (e.g humans) tend to take care of their young. while others dat breed and byebye such as turtles/uukuai/(no kai lin not included in this category) dun stick with each other.
therefore there should be an inbuilt instinct in these animals tat tells them to STAY like monkeys, sum birds etc. which would be the evolutionary source of LOVE? intresting yesh ?
those who dont, I HATE JOO !!!
jk jk
anyhoo imagine if we have da instinct of a turtle(again not lin~dun lah bully him) we would rush to da nearest female on heat, plant our seeds and go byebye. but this wont bode well since oni 1 baby not hundreds, so to ensure our seeds grow up and come outta da oven/incubator/mother/pls girls dun kill me im oni joking here :P we aid in the upbringing of the child.
okay sien d, lets look at another point of view, wat bout gays lesbians bisexuals etc?
well from wat i knoe, gay relationships are harder to last since we got two seeders on each other so lust>love (males have to admit it that we cant function without sex, its in our genes :D)
and lesbians tend to have least breakups compare to gays, err not so sure if compared to straights though @.@
so lets come back again to relationships
the start of one
when guy likes girl, girl likes guy but duno tat first guy likes girl and 2nd guy dun like girl
(seriously this tends to happen alot LOL)
biggest prob here tends to be courage/fear actually , well guys mite not wana show/tell/admit/sms/email first because their just afraid to "lose" the girl and therfore when another guy goes after da girl first, due to our human law, we end up welling the whole issue into ourselves and become and emo time bomb since we cant release it and hammer da other male into da earth for approaching our potential mate ( what ? ITS TRUE ! less she is infertile but would still be a "mate' )
as for girls ~ ............. honestly sumone enlighten me how gals function, seriously a mistery >_>. cant blame them, their hormones are very unstable relative to guys .
to save me the misery i shall skip this part. dangerous yes ? when u writing bout sumting u have no idea on O_O
wat i knoe is YES girl do go gah gah when they see a potential mate(hot guys) as this translates tat the guy carry good genes for our offsprings. wether they get erection anot i duno ask them. my guess is unlikely, most likely just develop lust/love to the mate . guys when see hot girls get erection cuz biologically we can put our poles into da holes, and well females cant put holes onto a slag pole yes?
thus they have rituals in order to attract more mates (females oso want their genes pass down u knoe !!! u selfish guys who think other way !!!) well rituals being ................. figure it out urself =.= im just too lazy(scared) to write here
bleah, so wat i can say is take ur chances instead of regretting it later, seriously if u cant get means u cant get its better to get it over with instead of longing it secretly in ur heart while u think its a secret almost da whole world knoes d. we got mouth eyes and the internet, rite?
if by getting rejected leads to the other avoiding u and disliking u, well in truth they would not make a good friend anyway if their like tat. good riddance ! .. how u spell ridance... think its riddance.
warning: if you feel offended reading my posts, do not read it since ur just offending urself if u read it. press tat cross button on da top right ! err mac users got a red button ?
Dogs are Mens best friends, amen to that ! WOOF !